What’s the Sound of One Hand Washing?

I attempted to replace a water filter in my house this week. It’s something I do every 4-6 months. I made the typical mistake of thinking that it would just be half an hour, or so. One thing I’ve learned in the last four years of owning a house is that it’s never half an hour. Literally ever. 

Attempting to replace the water filter resulted in sediment getting into the faucet in my downstairs bathroom. The faucet is so old (and cheap), that I couldn’t take it apart to find and clean out whatever was causing the clog.

Attempting to replace that faucet resulted in multiple trips to multiple stores. It turns out that the downstairs countertop is so old (and cheap) that it has a very unique pattern for the faucet. After multiple trips to Lowe’s and Home Depot finally resulted in finding the one faucet that would work in my bathroom.

Attempting to install the faucet resulted in multiple trips to multiple hardware stores to find very specific sizes and lengths of water supply lines. It turns out that the plumbing in my house is so old (and cheap) that it was done by someone who didn’t know how to plumb.

OK. Faucet’s in. Now, just the simple task of replacing the drain. Attempting to install the new drain resulted in more trips to the hardware store, and multiple calls to my father-in-law. It turns out that the plumbing in my house was done very poorly.

My attempt at replacing a water filter in 30 minutes resulted in spending about $100 on a new faucet and plumbing materials, and took about two days. But hey, now I know to just call someone when I need anything done on my house how to sort-of install a faucet.

Upside, I got to spend a lot of time wondering what the art direction was for the photo on the faucet box. I can only assume it was “two well dressed adults share a laugh in a co-gendered bathroom while the female adult washes only a single hand”.

two well dressed adults share a laugh in a co-gendered bathroom while the female adult washes only a single hand