
An (actually) Helpful Hacker News Comment

If you’re ever feeling down after reading the HN homepage with posts about how “Small eComm Startup Raises Fifty Quatrillion Dollars” and then looking at all the time you’ve put into your own small niche eComm business, close the HN homepage and just keep this comment in mind:

Right now, somewhere in the world, a child is being born into an uberly rich family. That child will grow up to inherit millions for absolutely no work. He’ll live the good life full of yachts and private jets.

Right now, somewhere in the world, there is a party happening full of gorgeous wealthy people who need not lift a finger to attain the luxuries that they have. Their success is only a matter of genetics and luck.

Right now, somewhere in the world, is an investment banker who is making literally millions after clicking a few buttons and making a few phone calls to a few friends. He knows the right people and is in the right place, and that’s all that matters.

Right now, somewhere in the world, is a 20-some year old guy who is worth billions because of a website he started. He was born into a family that sent him to the right high school. He then went on to one of the best universities in the country, built his website, moved, met the right people, and raised $500+ million in funding. He and likely generations down the line are set for life.

Right now, somewhere in the world, is a 17yr old teenager who started a company with some money from his parents, built a product, with help from friends and family, and got acquired for $30 million.

There’s always someone becoming richer than you for much less work, every second of the day. Look past that and just keep working. I get down about how unfair that is from time to time, but there’s nothing you can really do about it, other than focus on your work.


Stop Having Crappy Meetings!


There are meetings, and then there are meetings.

Some of them go quickly. You come out of the meeting feeling like you actually accomplished something.

And then there are the other kind of meetings. It lasts exactly the amount of time scheduled in your calendar, and everyone leaves in a haze and with an invite to the dreaded “follow-up meeting”.

You can’t control everyone else’s meetings, but as someone once said “you must be the change you wish to see in your company’s meetings”.

So here’s how to make your own meetings suck less:

  1. Have a focused purpose for your meeting. If your meeting is for a vague purpose, you’re going to go in a vague direction. Good meeting topics: “Landing Page X Design Review”, “Engagement Tracking Implementation for New Users”, “Top 3 Goals For Website Redesign”. Bad meeting names: “Landing Pages”, “Tracking Pixels”, “Website Redesign”.
  2. Don’t have brainstorming sessions. These always end up as wasted hours. Instead, figure out the problem and ask people to come to the table with a few solutions. Then, name you meeting something specific. Example: “API changes we can make to support feature X in product Y”.
  3. In the description field of your meeting invite, add the questions that must be answered by your meeting. Meetings should be held to present information or answer questions, so get people thinking about them (even subconsciously) before your meeting.
  4. Only invite people that must be there to get those specific questions answered. You most likely don’t need the VP of marketing there to discuss the technology behind tracking pixels. Talk to him before or fill him in later, depending on your company’s culture.
  5. Stay focused! Once the meeting is underway, keep trucking towards your pre-stated meeting goals. Everyone’s been in meetings that stray, and rarely is anyone richer for the experience.

Android Gaining Steam in Tablet Share, Expected to Pass iPad by the End of 2013


News out of IDC this week reporting that they expect Android tablets to to outsell iOS tablets by the end of 2013.

This is in line with my usability research being conducted at ATK.

Of the 41 customers I’ve brought in recently who self-identified as being not very technically savvy (0-5 on a 10 point scale), 100% of them own a Kindle Fire or Kindle Fire HD.

When asked why, price was the #1 determining factor. The Kindle Fire HD starts at $199 while Apple’s cheapest iPad starts at $329.

Of users who also had an iPad in their home, it was chastised for being too big and heavy compared to the Kindle Fire HD.

Most users also understood that the underlying system was technically Android, but used the name “Kindle” when discussing the tablet. When asked to name another Android tablet, no user could name one.

Semi-related, GigaOM has an interesting article wondering where Windows plays into the tablet game.

(Photo via allthingsd)


The Magic Usability Behind Amazon’s Massive Dropdown Menu

Not all drop-down menus are created equal.

Your standard drop-down menu isn’t rocket surgery. It’s usually a little bit of Javascript (or HTML5) that changes some text within an element when you hover over a certain area of a website.

I’ve made a hundred drop-down lists in my life. You code it up, you make sure it works, you commit it to Git and you move on.

But standard implementations of drop-downs are terrible. How often has this happened to you:



All. The. Time.

Amazon (semi-famous for their amazing amount of testing) finally took action and created a smarter dropdown menu. By adding a slight delay, and a little smarter code, their dropdowns act like everyone would expect them to act.

In this example, if you’re on the Amazon Cloud Drive item and you move your mouse anywhere in the blue triangle, the extended menu will delay for a small amount of time – leaving the Amazon Cloud Drive menu open:



Lucky for all of us (and in true hacker fashion), someone has created a jQuery plugin that makes this simple to implement on your own site.