Product Management

4 Fundamentals to a Well-Functioning Scrum Team (and suggestions for what to do if it’s not)

There are four basic attributes to measure the health of your Scrum team:

The team’s priority and vision is clear and understood.

  • It’s working if: you ask anyone on the team to describe the roadmap and they all answer the same way.
  • It could be better if: your team is struggling with communicating the vision concisely. Consider publishing your roadmap/strategy document and sharing it with your team.

One team is responsible for the entire development process, from design to deploy.

  • It’s working if: the entire team feels heard in decision making and is responsible for delivery of a quality product, soup-to-nuts.
  • It could be better if: design work waterfalls into development, or development waterfalls into QA. Both of these cause frustration that can be solved simply by involving them in your Scrum meetings.

The team estimates work to clarify effort, not to predict timing.

  • It’s working if: the team estimates that this “feels like a 3’s worth of effort“. Your team breaks down work into manageable chunks and assigns an estimated level of effort. The team understands that they can’t predict the future, and does not attempt to estimate the length of time necessary to complete the work.
  • It’s not working if: the team estimates that this “feels like a 3’s worth of time“. It’s important that your estimation meetings don’t become project management sessions, and especially important that you don’t attribute x story points to x days of work. Ask the team to take timing completely off the table in grooming meetings.

The team does not assign arbitrary deadlines.

  • It’s working if: the team sets the deadlines. They understand that urgency is a limited resource and should be used only when necessary.
  • It’s not working if: your team feels like it is having problems finishing work “quick enough”. Consider pushing back on external sources that are asking for a completed date, and over-communicating progress and blockers. Remember that it’s probably not that your developers are slow.
Product Management

Value Over Velocity

Development speed is important, but make sure your primary focus is on the result.

There was a contest where contestants had to find a box in a forest based only on a photograph of an item. There were two contestants. One was a spry young man who has never been to this particular forest. The other was a limping 60 year old woman who has lived nearby and knows these woods like the back of here hand.

The pistol fires and off they go. The young man takes off running. He runs here, runs there, runs circles, looking for something familiar from the photo. His endurance is uncanny and his ability to jump across branches second-to-none.

The lady looks at the photo and studies it. After a few minutes, she takes her walking stick and limps off. She recognized the rocks in the photo and knows more or less where to go to find the box.

The young man is much more productive in “miles ran per hour”, or “acres searched”, or in “O2-consumption-per-mile” metrics. For the lady, the above metrics are dismal.

However, she beats the man in the most important metric: “boxes found”.

It’s tempting to track how much work your team is putting out. Your team could be writing the most lines of code (“miles ran per hours”), or closing the most defects (“acres searched”), or deploying the most stories (“O2-consumption-per-mile”). But if those changes don’t affect the one metric that matters (“boxes found”), then you may want to reconsider what metrics are worth tracking.

Product Management

What You Call “Playing Politics”, Executives Call “Collaboration”

Product managers can effect change today by using the same techniques that effective executives use.

Effective executives are great at playing politics. They’re continuously in meetings with decision makers, stakeholders and other teams to ensure that their idea is bought into and successful.

But executives don’t call it playing politics. They call it collaboration – and this is the key to getting things done when you need buy-in from people who don’t report to you.

Product managers are in a similar position. While we’re not CEOs (despite what the Internet wants you to believe), product managers are responsible for the ultimate output and typically don’t have direct line responsibility for the people doing the work. I heard someone describe being a product manager as “all the responsibility with none of the authority”.

Effective executives don’t dictate what to do. They get people on board using a combination of persuasion, collaboration and tact.

Since product managers usually don’t have the ability to hire and fire our team members, we need to rely on the same techniques that effective executives rely on to get a team of people to do the right work at the right time:

  • Persuasive executives (and product managers) don’t have all the answers, but they know all the problems. When collaborating with another team, come to the table with crystal clear problems instead of answers. Engineers and designers are paid handsomely to solve problems, so unleash them on it. Not only will they use their brainpower to solve the problem, they’ll feel ownership over the deliverable (instead of pushing back against your solution out of ego).  BONUS: this is a great example of getting out of your team’s way.
  • Collaborative executives (and product managers) add value to other teams. Whether it’s offering to let another team borrow an engineer to get that feature deployed or creating the slide deck for an upcoming group presentation, collaborative managers add value to other teams by offering to help however they can. BONUS: It’s so common in our profession for the default answer to be no, that you may garner good-will just by offering.  
  • Tactful executives (and product managers) make sure nobody is surprised. Have quick, informal meetings with individual members of your team before announcing a change to the larger group. These short “pre-meetings” let you receive and react to feedback privately while showing that you care enough about their opinion to ask for it before finalizing your plan. By the time you’re ready to announce the change publicly, literally nobody is surprised. You’ve now successfully steered conversation at the announcement meeting to how it’s done, and not whether it’s a good idea. BONUS: These are great topics for conversation in 1:1’s with your team.

Thanks to fellow product manager Stephan Rubin for reading an early version of this.

Product Management

A Roadmap is Not a Project Plan

Your roadmap is about direction, while your project plan is about speed.

Roadmap: where are we going and how do we think we’re going to get there. This is primarily driven by business strategy. (see: How to format your roadmap to foster cross-team alignment)


Project plan: when should we get there. This is primarily driven by resources and velocity.


It’s easy to conflate your roadmap with a project plan, but they are fundamentally different tools that are essential to creating your product backlog.

Product Management

Note to Self: You’re Not Being Pragmatic – You’re Actually Stifling Your Team’s Creativity

Focusing too much on the possible makes it improbable that you’ll solve the impossible.

As a product manager, it’s easy to automatically scale back the discussion to what’s possible. After all, you’re the one responsible for the timeline, the cost and ultimately the success of the outcome. So, it’s safer to push something good out now than to push something amazing out in three months.  “Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM”, they say.

However, you should come into the strategy session with the craziest idea to make your product better, and then let your team talk you out of it.

To experience real product growth, spit-ball those crazy discussions with your team. Don’t accept that “it works this way and it’s too hard to change” (especially when you’re the one saying it!). Talk about why it’s that way, how to work around it, ways to make it better, and what you would do with infinite time and resources.

Your team will only think as big as you do, so push yourself to think bigger. If you come in with constraints and excuses, you’re handicapping some talented, expensive creative talent.  The alternative is shipping small iterations (“quick wins!”) in the short-term, and that’s neither fun nor effective.

Product Management

Making Product Decisions Without Data

In an ideal world, you’d make an informed product decision backed by data, feedback and intuition. But you can still decide with only two.

If you only have DATA + FEEDBACK: your customer base is telling you something that surprises you. You’re solving their problems today, but make sure you’re considering the bigger picture. Dig into that data to validate the feedback you’re hearing and to predict the problems they’re not telling you about. You should understand what your gut is telling you and try to figure out why it’s not aligned with the data.

This week: spend some time getting a better understanding of your market. Install Intercom and contact leads that didn’t convert to understand why.

If you only have DATA + INTUITION: Your computer is telling you something different than you’re hearing from you customers. Don’t discount this immediately. Your customers may not know what they want, or you may not be asking the right interview questions.

This week: build an MVP with Invision or Squarespace, and attempt to validate it with your personas.

If you only have FEEDBACK + INTUITION: You’re certain that you’re onto something, but the skeptics don’t believe you. You’re either on the cutting edge of a breakthrough, or you’re way off in left field. Is it because your data is garbage, or you just don’t have enough?

This week: send an NPS survey or add Mixpanel tracking to quickly (and objectively) validate what you’re hearing.

Product Management

An Incomplete Roadmap is Better Than No Roadmap

You will reduce cross-team confusion and increase clarity by publishing your roadmap right now.

Creative people are notorious for not sharing their work because “it’s not ready yet”. For product managers, they are typically referring to their roadmap. It’s difficult to ship something that you don’t think is perfect – especially when it’s the strategic plan for your squad.

I’m guilty of it, too. It’s a little daunting to think that you will be held to your roadmap. What if it changes? What if we don’t actually get to that work in the second quarter? What if someone doesn’t agree with the order?

But having a roadmap publicly available, regardless of “finished state”, fosters communication and makes it possible for other teams to begin aligning with you – which is a great thing for your product.

How will sharing your roadmap doc help other teams today?

  • You drop your roadmap doc in another team’s Slack channel. That team notices that you’re not planning on addressing Feature Z until way later than they were expecting it, so they start a conversation with you.
  • You have a 1:1 with your customer support manager about your mid-term roadmap plans. He sees that Feature X is scheduled for later this year, so he instructs the front lines to tell customers that it’s coming later this year. (or better yet, your CSM works with you to campaign for higher priority in your backlog!)
  • A PM from another team is surfing Confluence late at night and notices that User Narrative Y is not being addressed on your roadmap, so they tackle it themselves

Without a roadmap, all of these cases end in team mis-alignment, confusion and false assumptions.

Ready to publish your roadmap? Things to remember:

  • The content is more important than the format. Get something out there today and format it tomorrow. Here’s my roadmap template that you can copy if you don’t even want to think about format.
  • If it’s not discoverable, it’s might as well not exist. Share it wide and share it proud. Drop the link in some Slack channels. Create a video and include it in next week’s Product Update Videos. Link to it from your team’s wiki.
  • Your roadmap is almost always a little out of date. Everyone knows it. That’s fine. No PM is going to “hold you to your roadmap” if you’re pro-active about communicating changes to the effected parties. You should always do your best to keep this document as fresh as possible, but I would suggest updating the doc live in your grooming/strategy meetings and choosing “save and notify watchers” when you do make a change.

Go ahead, pull the trigger. Whether it’s Confluence, Trello, JIRA or an Excel spreadsheet, write out your roadmap and start sharing it around. You’ll be amazed how quickly things come into focus.

Product Management

Format Your Roadmap Differently to Foster Cross-Team Alignment

You’ll help foster cross-team alignment with less meetings simply by formatting your roadmap document to include what your team is working towards, and more importantly, why it’s important.

These are the five key areas of a roadmap document that make it possible for anyone to quickly understand your team’s plans:

  1. State your long-term vision in one sentence. This gives your roadmap the context necessary for someone who may not be intimately familiar with your team’s goals.
    • Be aspirational, not prescriptive: “Be the most used web mail platform in the world” is more aspirational than “Launch a webmail platform using Node.js in 2017”.
  2. State the top three problems your team is currently addressing. This helps your reader understand what are the most important blockers to achieving your ultimate vision.
    • Be descriptive, not prescriptive: “Our current offering isn’t considered reliable enough to run a company’s primary email system” is more descriptive “Our current offering is too slow”.
  3. Explain why these problems are the most important problems. All products have problems. This is where you get the reader to understand the scope of these problems, and why you are solving these right now.
    • Be specific, not generic: “The #1 reason businesses don’t convert to paid accounts is because their email is delivered in a reasonable amount of time. Our strategy to $1mm in revenue relies on 90% conversion to paid, and today’s conversion is in the 40’s” is more specific than “Fast delivery is necessary for a good email system”.
  4. Identify how you’re addressing these problems. This is the tactical part of every roadmap that everyone’s familiar with: the list of work to be done.
    • Be prescriptive at first, then get more and more aspirational: The top of your list should be very specific (“ability to compose a message in a new tab”), while the bottom of your list should be relatively undefined (“Native Android app”).
  5. Associate extremely rough timeframes with each solution. Attaching rough timeframes is strictly to help set the reader’s expectations. This is useful for your team to know what’s coming later, and for other teams to determine how to roughly align with you. Actual planning and alignment should not occur from your roadmap alone, so don’t overthink this.
    • Your roadmap is about direction, not speed: Remember that your roadmap is not a project plan. Like a literal road map, it’s primarily purpose is to indicate the direction your team is planning to go, and not how fast you plan to get there. Use relatively generic terms like “near-term, mid-term, long-term and someday” instead of “this week” or “this month”.

Finally: Don’t overthink it. An incomplete roadmap is better than no roadmap. I made this example roadmap to get you started. Feel free to copy and replace it with your actual roadmap and start sharing it as quickly and broadly as you can. You’ll start seeing the results in your very next meeting, promise.

Product Management

3 Simple Product Metrics

I think you can boil down all of your product decisions into three key metrics: stability, simplicity and speed.

It sounds simple, and it is. But whether you’re writing key results for your OKRs or naming epics for project planning, you will get your entire team on board quickly by suggesting that you focus solely on metrics that quantify stability, simplicity and speed.

Here’s why: when I was a junior developer, I had a VP of Engineering tell me that it was really easy to figure out how what order to build a product’s features in: “make it work, then make it pretty, then make it fast”.

Users will forgive a reasonable amount of slowness, but will just stop using your product if it doesn’t work for them.

That actually makes a lot of sense. If it doesn’t work, nobody will use it. If it works but it’s a pain to use, your user will use it begrudgingly, get frustrated and switch to a competitor as soon as one exists.

If it works and it’s usable, by the time you’re ready to be worried about speed, you’ve proven that you can build an elegant solution to your customer’s problem.  (and you better be working on speed at this point!).

If it works and it’s usable and it’s fast, nobody will stop you.


Product Management Tech

Your Customers Don’t Mean What They Say

Ask any customer at any point what they want, and they will tell you exactly what they want. And while they’re always right, you shouldn’t listen to them.

Your customer has a very specific context: themselves. Sure, that customer may tell you that they work in technology or even that they’re a product manager at their company. It will be tempting to write down the story exactly as they tell it to you and put it in your backlog, but you should resist the urge.

As a good product manager, part of your job is to understand a few key contexts: the company’s goals/mission, your team’s strengths and weaknesses, the abilities of the technology available to you, and your customer’s problems.

If your interviews are anything like mine, you probably hear a lot about your customer’s solutions to their problems at first. This can be extremely valuable for your knowledge, but building your product from their work-arounds is short-sighted.

Your customer is missing the things that make you a good product manager: wider context about your entire product. They probably don’t know the five-year goal of your company. They don’t know about the conversation you just had with your team. They don’t know that you’ve got a great designer starting on Monday.

Good product managers know that interviewing your customers is a basic requirement. (And there are lots of opinions on the Internet about interviewing your customers, this piece included.) But what’s the point if you’re not supposed to listen to them in the first place?

Maybe you’re asking the wrong questions. From Product Talk:

Instead of asking, “What matters to you when buying a pair of jeans?”, start with, “Tell me about the last time you bought a pair of jeans.”

Instead of asking, “How often do you go to the gym?”, ask, “How many times did you go to the gym last week?”

You can follow up both with a question like, “Is that typical?” This can help surface if the last time was unusual. If it was, ask about other instances.

It feels counter-intuitive, but it’s actually a great way to start down the Five Whys path.

Asking these kinds of better questions gives you the piece that you’re missing from your context map and will help you better understand the people that are using your product.